Marketing Media & Cupcakes
We are here to help you develop best practices for building great client/customer relationships. Hosted by John & Angel Ondo with their decades of marketing and customer service experience. John & Angel Ondo. John is a four-time Emmy award-winning TV/Film Producer. Angel leads customer service teams during the day and runs a home-based cupcake business on the weekends. On each episode we discuss Branding, Marketing, Media Ideas and we always throw in a food recipe or tip, because food is about relationships. New episodes drop on Thursdays.
Marketing Media & Cupcakes
June 04, 2020
John & Angel Ondo
Season 1
Episode 52
John and Angel discuss how video production for faith-based organizations and churches is changing. John shares how the art of live video production is coming back and churches need to accept that it may be where a large portion of their members may consume their services from now on. Angel also shares a baking tip about ingredient temperature.
For more information about OndoMedia
Contact John to discuss his live church stream consulting at or 614.933.3191