Marketing Media & Cupcakes
We are here to help you develop best practices for building great client/customer relationships. Hosted by John & Angel Ondo with their decades of marketing and customer service experience. John & Angel Ondo. John is a four-time Emmy award-winning TV/Film Producer. Angel leads customer service teams during the day and runs a home-based cupcake business on the weekends. On each episode we discuss Branding, Marketing, Media Ideas and we always throw in a food recipe or tip, because food is about relationships. New episodes drop on Thursdays.
Marketing Media & Cupcakes
Finding Purpose & Passion
October 12, 2020
Monica Guidry | Lifestyle Strategist
Season 2
Episode 65
After John's brief rant about how he feels iPhones are not as easy to use as they use to be, he and Angel are joined by Lifestyle Strategist Monica Guidry. Monica is an entrepreneur and broadcaster who is helping her clients find passion in their business and lives. Fear is a big issue for most clients she meets with.
Find out more about Monica: and her podcast is at: wholeheART with Monica Guidry
For more on John's media business:
More on Angel's Cupcakes: