Marketing Media & Cupcakes
We are here to help you develop best practices for building great client/customer relationships. Hosted by John & Angel Ondo with their decades of marketing and customer service experience. John & Angel Ondo. John is a four-time Emmy award-winning TV/Film Producer. Angel leads customer service teams during the day and runs a home-based cupcake business on the weekends. On each episode we discuss Branding, Marketing, Media Ideas and we always throw in a food recipe or tip, because food is about relationships. New episodes drop on Thursdays.
Marketing Media & Cupcakes
Setting Effective Goals For 2021
December 30, 2020
Terry & Nay Dismore, Podcast Hosts & Business Owners
Season 2
Episode 73
John and Angel are joined by guest Terry & Nay Dismore, small business owners, as they share ideas on how you can set effective realistic goals for 2021 for your business.
They suggest that you shoot for small wins, finding areas that are nagging your productivity and set to resolve those issues.
Listen to the right people. Don't let Covid talk discourage your mojo for success.
Invest in yourself in 2021 so you can be a better business owner and leader.
You can listen to Terry's podcast at Quiz The Diz on all podcast platforms. Nay's snacks can be found at
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